Saturday, June 30, 2007

Whew! What A Week!

What a busy week this ended up being! Monday Mack went to the vet for his puppy shot & weighed in at 8 lbs.! Wow he is growing up so fast!

Tuesday Reesie got neutered:( He has done a GREAT job in dealing with it! You would have never known he even had surgery! He is such a trooper! At times it has been a challenge trying to get him to not jump.....he LOVES to play!

Thursday was extremely hectic & long. The morning started out with Odie & Hershey going to the vet for their allergy shots. Rushing home to get payroll done before leaving to take my MIL to get cataract surgery. Got home from the surgery & took off to look at a job with Gary, buy some things for our new garage, & going out to dinner.

Friday I took my MIL to the eye dr. for a checkup on her eye, done a couple of errands for my mom, then worked in the offuce on a big job until very late. I am ready for a RELAXING weekend!

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